1. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Menjadi Warga Dunia: Beasiswa, Belajar dan Organisasi, Kuliahh Umum di Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, 30 Desember 2013
  2. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Memahami Batas Maritim Indonesia dan .Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan,  Kuliah Umum di Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, 28 Desember 2013.
  3. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Djoeanda Declaration: Protecting sovereignty, respecting neighbors, The Jakarta Post, 19 December 2013, Jakarta.
  4. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Indonesia-Malaysia Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Ambalat Block Case, 18th Malaysia and Singapore Society of Australia (MASSA) Symposium, “CRITICAL JUNCTURES AND CONTESTED VISIONS”, 5-6 December 2013, University of Sydney
  5. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Pending Maritime Boundaries in ASEAN: Challenges in Marine Resources Management, ASEAN-EU High Level Dialogue on Maritime Cooperation, Jakarta, 18-19 November 2013.
  6. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Beasiswa AAS 101, Talk Show tentang Beasiswa Australia, Australia Day UGM, 15 November 2013.
  7. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Batas Maritim Indonesia – Memahami Permasalahan, Mencari Solusi, Kuliah Umum bagi Perhimpunan Masyarakat Indonesia di Brunei Darussalam, 12 November 2013.
  8. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Understanding Geospatial Dimension of the South China Sea Dispute in Search of Possible Solutions: An Indonesian Perspective, Workshop on Reframing the South China Sea: Towards a Mediterranean Understanding of Culture and Resources, Brunei, 11-13 November 2013.
  9. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), A Book Review of Abd. Rahman Hamid, (2013) Sejarah Maritim Nusantara, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, Volume 169, Issue 4, p. 542-544.
  10. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Mapping the Sovereignty: Strengthening Nationalism through a Geospatial-based, Crowdsourced Mobile Application, Essay Competition PPI Belanda – BNI London, The Hague, 12-14 September 2013.
  11. Schofield, CH., McDorman, T., and Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Report Number 5-11 (2): Treaty between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Singapore relating the Delimitation of the Territorial Sea of the two Countries in the Western Part of the Strait of Singapore, International Maritime Boundaries, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, The Netherlands, pp. 1-13.
  12. Yuniar, F. and Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Technical Study of Home Affairs Ministerial Regulation No.76/2012 on Regional Boundary Demarcation, International Seminar and Workshop on Hydrography: Roles of Hydrography in Marine Industry and Resources Management, Batam, 27-29 August 2013 (upcoming).
  13. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Fencing the Fish: Maritime Boundary Delimitation for Mitigating Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Indonesia, International Conference on Indonesian Development 2013, The Netherlands, 12-14 September 2013 (upcoming).
  14. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Words Matter!.The Power of Public Speaking., Kelas #16 Akademi Berbagi Bali, 30 June 2013.
  15. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), International Maritime Boundary Delimitation.The Case of Indonesia, Guest Lecture at The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP), Singapore 26 June 2013.
  16. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Indonesia’s Maritime Boundaries in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore Vis-à-vis Malaysia and Singapore, 7th MIMA Conference on the Strait of Malacca -Keeping the Momentum, Sustaining the Cooperation, Addressing Uncertainties, Kuala Lumpur, 24-25 June 2013
  17. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), The future of East-West Archipelagic Sea Lanes of Indonesia, Australian–Indonesian Next Generation Defence and Security Forum, 14 – 16 May 2013, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Coogee Beach, Sydney
  18. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Apalah Kita akan Kehilangan Pulau?, Puzzle Minds – Sharing Ideas for Indonesia, 17 April 2013
  19. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Menyoal Twitter Pak Presiden, Detikinet, 16 April 2013
  20. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Mapping good fences with Timor Leste, The Jakarata Post, 8 April 2013
  21. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Delimitasi Batas Maritim Internasional dan Kompleksitas Batas Maritim Idonesia, Kuliah Umum Hukum Laut, Fakultas Hukum, UNS, Solo, 15 Maret 2013
  22. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Securing Indonesia’s Maritime Interests: From Maritime Boundary Delimitation to Designating ASLs, RSIS lecuture series, NTU, Singapore 14 March
  23. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), The Sinking of Sovereignty and Sovereign Rights? Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change to Maritime Jurisdiction and Proposal for Solutions, Proceeding of the 2nd Symposium on Earth Resilience, Berlin, Germany
  24. Sebastian, L., Supriyanto, R. A., and Arsana, I M. A. (2013) Indonesia’s Maritime Interests and the Law of the Sea’, Workshop on Indonesia’s Ascent: Power, Leadership and Asia’s Security Order’ [presentation only and paper draft]
  25. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Akankah Indonesia Kehilangan Pulau? Belajar dari Kasus Sipadan-Ligitan, Pulau Berhala, Miangas hingga Semakau, Jurnal Opinio Juris, Kementerian Luar Negeri [in Press]
  26. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Are we losing more islands after Sipadan-Ligitan dispute?, The Jakarta Post, 30 January 2012
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  27. Arsana, I M. A. (2013), Three Decades of the Constitution of the Ocean, The Jakarta Post, 7 January 2012
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