1. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Reviewing Indonesian maritime boundaries in 2010, The Jakarta Post, 30 December 2010, Jakarta
  2. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Merajut Dinding Maya: Delimitasi Batas Maritim antara Indonesia dan Malaysia, Seminar Perbatasan: Strategi Menantang Klaim Malaysia, Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 8 Desember
  3. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Maps mark bordersyet always lie, The Jakarta Post, 22 November 2010, Jakarta
  4. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Memetakan kedaulatan, Pikiran Rakyat, 15 November 2010, Bandung
  5. Schofield, C. and Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Imaginary Islands? Options to Preserve Maritime Jurisdictional Entitlements and Provide Stable Maritime Limits in the Face of Coastal Instability, Ablos Conference, Monaco, 25-27 October.[paper | presentation]
  6. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Greater area, opportunities, responsibility, The Jakarta Post, 24 September 2010, Jakarta
  7. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Good fences make good neighbors, The Jakarta Post, 13 September 2010, Jakarta
  8. Arsana, I M. A., (2010), Penyelesaian Sengketa Ambalat dengan Delimitasi Maritim: Kajian Geospasial dan Yuridis, Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. I No. 01, Tahun 2010.
  9. Arsana, I M. A. and Schofield, C.H., (2010), Adding Further Complexity? Outer Continental Shelf in East and Southeast Asia, NBR Workshop on Maritime Energy Resource in Asia, Ho Chi Minh City, 6-7 August. 
  10. Arsana, I M. A. and Sutanta, H. (2010), Navigating the Future of Geospatial Education in Indonesia, Proceeding of the Indonesian Students International Conference, Melbourne, 16-18 July.
  11. Arsana, I M. A., (2010), Menanti Peran Kelautan Indonesia di Pentas Dunia, Buletin Bulanan Ditjen Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan “Craby & Starky”, Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta.
  12. Arsana, I M. A., (2010), Maritime Delimitation in the Singapore Strait – The Next Step for Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, Hydro Internationa July/August, p. 23-25
  13. Arsana, I M. A., (2010),Geospasial, Kedaulatan dan Hak Berdaulat: Melihat dari Dekat Sengketa Maritim di Nusantara, Seminar Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Geodesi, UGM, Yogyakarta, 28 Mei
  14. Arsana, I M. A., (2010), The Implication of CTI Delineation on Regional Maritime Boundaries and Coastal Water Concession Rights in Indonesia. CTI Workshop, Bali, 13-14 May.
  15. Schofield, C. Arsana, I M. A. and van de Poll, R. (2010), ‘The Outer Continental Shelf in the Asia-Pacific Region: Progress and Prospects’ in Vidas, D (ed) Law, Technology and Science for Oceans in Globalization, Martinus Nijhoff.
  16. Lokita S., Arsana, I M. A. and Rimayanti A. (2010), Archepelagic baselines and the sovereignty and security of Archipelagic States: Problems and practices in the Asia-Pacific region. The Oceanic Conference on International Studies (OCIS), Auckland, 29 June-2 July
  17. Arsana, I M. A. and Schofield, C.H., (2010), Adding Further Complexity? Outer Continental Shelf in East and Southeast Asia, NBR paper, Washington D.C.
  18. Arsana, I M. A. Yuniar, F. and Sumaryo, (2010), Geospatial Aspects of Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Singapore Strait Involving Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Proceeding of the XXIV FIG International Congress – Facing the Challenges, Building the Capacity, 11-16 April, Sydney
    More… Contact Andi for a copy of presentation.
  19. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), A Geospatial Novel? Why Not!, Asian Survey & Mapping Magazine, 29 March 2010, Sydney
  20. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), RI’s new border management, The Jakarta Post, 29 March 2010, Jakarta
  21. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), Cincin Merah di Barat Sonne, Lingkar Pena Publishing, Jakarta
  22. Arsana, I M. A. (2010), A review of maritime issues in 2009, The Jakarta Post, 6 January 2010, Jakarta