In the last couple of weeks, Indonesia has been facing a controversial issue on sea fence or pagar laut. As someone focusing research on geospatial aspects of the law of the sea, I have been genuinely interested in knowing more about the issue. I started my own research, in collaboration with a junior colleague at the Department of Geodetic Engineering, Calvin Wijaya. I found some interesting facts.

In a nutshell, some people found that sea fence with the length of around 30km was spotted in the sea located in north of Tangerang. Not only that, it was also found that the ocean space within the fence were with land certificate. How come? Here is where the controversy began. It is not difficult to imagine that the issue can be really complex involving too may parties.

Universitas Gadjah Mada had an excellent initiative to have a class for journalists so they can understand the issue comprehensively. I thought the idea was brilliant so they could learn beyond their conventional interest to produce news. I was asked to provide the lecture and I said yes. Around 12 journalists from prominent media were there and a few hours later, the lecture ‘exploded’ in the internet. I was so glad that I could contribute, not matter how small.
Read the news here.