Australian Scholarship Sharing

On 24 March 2024, I shared my experience in studying in Australia with scholarship. I was asked to do so by the Indonesian Students Association of Australia (PPIA) and I was so excited. This year is important for me as a scholar. Twenty years ago, I started my study at UNSW, Sydney with the Australian Development Scholarship (ADS). Now the scholarship is known as the Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS). It was like a blink of an eye, two decades have passed. Here I am. I have been back in Indonesia for ten years since the finish line of my PhD. I did my Master and PhD degree in Australia. Same state, different universities, same area of research. Those experiences have enriched my life, I am sure.

Feeling grateful about what  I have received  through scholarship, I started to write about my journey and experiences since 2004. Also 20 years ago. I started as an amateur blogger sharing my thoughts through a platform called Blogspot. I then migrated to WordPress, which I am still using until now. My habit of sharing through writing has apparently given me changes to share knowledge and practical tips on studies and general and Australian scholarship in particular. I consider my participation at the event organised by PPIA was one my ways to pay back.

Meeting LPDP Future Awardees in Bali

LPDP is special unit established by the Government of Indonesia to manage fund for scholarship. The scholarship is grated to bright Indonesians to pursue their study (Master and PhD) in selected universities in Indonesia and overseas. Arguably, LPDP scholarship might be the most well-known scholarship in Indonesia nowadays. Almost all Indonesian students put LPDP in their wish list, when it comes to studying with scholarship.

Meet the volunteers of Bali Edukasi

I met a number of LPDP awardees and I am impressed by their quality. One good thing about them is their ability and willingness to organise themselves in one strong family. Even since pre-departure  activities they have demonstrated good collaboration for contribution. Before departing to places where the will conduct they study, LPDP awardees usually organise a number of activities for different purposes. One favourite program is sharing scholarship information for future awardees.

I was lucky enough to be invited by LPDP awardees, chapter Bali, to share my insight on scholarship to study master or PhD, especially in overseas universities. It was easy to feel the spirit of young Balinese to pursue their dream studying overseas. I am optimistic that many of the students I met in Bali will be the future awardee of LPDP.