Joint Public Lecture: UGM x Nagoya University

The Master Program of Geomatics Engineering of UGM collaborated with the Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Jepang in conducting a short workshop. Seven students and two professors from Nagoya University came to Jogja for a ten-day program, one of which was a joint public lecture.

I was asked to deliver a lecture for the program where around 20 students from Japan and Indonesia attended. My lecture was on Border in a Borderless World, talking particularly about issues on international maritime boundaries. Being a public lecture, the program was open for public and students from different faculties/schools came to attend. It was a good challenge for to deliver the lecture in a language that is accessible to those with different background. I personally enjoyed it.

The lecture went well with some good questions from the audience. Prof. Ito from Nagoya University also participated actively by discussing some part of my lecture. For me personally, the lecture was a good test, how effective I could be in delivering lecture for audiences with various background. In general, I was happy!