
My Research Interests include but not limited to:

  1. Maritime boundary delimitation
  2. Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (TALOS)
  3. Land Boundary Delimitation and Demarcation
  4. Geographic Information System
  5. Database System
  6. Popularizing Geospatial (geospatial in literacy, geospatial in movies, etc.)

My Recent Researches:

  1. The use of geospatial technology and approach in the law of the sea in general
  2. Analysis on the definition of internal waters in Indonesia
  3. Analysis on Indonesia-China Joint Statement regarding collaboration in the overlapping maritime areas in the South China Sea
  4. Analysis on the news baselines of Vietnam in the South China Sea
  5. Analysis on the news baselines of China in the South China Sea
  6. Extended Continental Shelf of the United States of America
  7. Maritime boundary delimitation between Indonesia and its neighbors

If you are interested in doin research with me, please contact me and give me a brief outline or rough idea or yours. We will discuss!