My Research Interests include but not limited to:
- Maritime boundary delimitation
- Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea (TALOS)
- Land Boundary Delimitation and Demarcation
- Geographic Information System
- Database System
- Popularizing Geospatial (geospatial in literacy, geospatial in movies, etc.)
My Recent Researches:
- The use of geospatial technology and approach in the law of the sea in general
- Analysis on the definition of internal waters in Indonesia
- Analysis on Indonesia-China Joint Statement regarding collaboration in the overlapping maritime areas in the South China Sea
- Analysis on the news baselines of Vietnam in the South China Sea
- Analysis on the news baselines of China in the South China Sea
- Extended Continental Shelf of the United States of America
- Maritime boundary delimitation between Indonesia and its neighbors
If you are interested in doin research with me, please contact me and give me a brief outline or rough idea or yours. We will discuss!