A couple of hundreds young Indonesians were there watching me sharing my stories. They were LPDP scholarship recipients and were ready to depart to start their scientific journey. Some will fly to different countries and some other will study in top-notch universities in Indonesia. It was me sharing with them for their preparation to embark in the new journey of life.

This year marks the tenth year of me serving as a speaker at the LPDP Pre Departure session. A lot have happened but I always feel the same feeling. Every time I walked through the crowd from my seat to the stage, I could not help but feeling hopeful. Hopeful because I could sense their positive energy to start the journey. They way they responded to my presence was just amazing. They made me feel that I was the most important person in the room. They hand clap, the way they looked at me, their smile, their excitement. Everything. This is truly a sign that they are great people. it was certainly not about me. It was about them.
My topic was not so much different compared to the one I delivered previously to different LPDP cohorts. Some repetitive jokes, some same illustrations, same anecdotes, also. No worries, I face different audiences every time I am involved in a pre departure session. They were cooperative. The two hours went so fast. We had fun.
I stressed on the facts that they will study in prominent global universities so they better secure the most out of the program. The study is considered as a golden period where they have all the freedom and privilege to develop their intellectuality. The scholarship period will also be a good time of reflection on our country. In short, I asked them not to take the opportunities for granted.
Lastly, I share my views on how Indonesia will need their expertise and presences in the future. However, I also understand that contributing to Indonesia does not always mean that you have to be physically in Indonesia. When opportunities come and no law being breached, do your best and show the world what Indonesians are made of.