Australian Scholarship Sharing

On 24 March 2024, I shared my experience in studying in Australia with scholarship. I was asked to do so by the Indonesian Students Association of Australia (PPIA) and I was so excited. This year is important for me as a scholar. Twenty years ago, I started my study at UNSW, Sydney with the Australian Development Scholarship (ADS). Now the scholarship is known as the Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS). It was like a blink of an eye, two decades have passed. Here I am. I have been back in Indonesia for ten years since the finish line of my PhD. I did my Master and PhD degree in Australia. Same state, different universities, same area of research. Those experiences have enriched my life, I am sure.

Feeling grateful about what  I have received  through scholarship, I started to write about my journey and experiences since 2004. Also 20 years ago. I started as an amateur blogger sharing my thoughts through a platform called Blogspot. I then migrated to WordPress, which I am still using until now. My habit of sharing through writing has apparently given me changes to share knowledge and practical tips on studies and general and Australian scholarship in particular. I consider my participation at the event organised by PPIA was one my ways to pay back.

Leadership Training at the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga

I was invited by a student organisation at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Kalijaga in Jogja. It was about leadership and was certainly not my first talk about the topic. I have spoken about leadership before at several events for student and other young people. However, at this UIN event I felt there needed to be a distinctive, more Islamic touch. As a Hindu Believer, I certainly have to study this matter seriously. In the car, while waiting for the event to start, I thought hard about making a plan.

I remember a figure, Umar bin Khattab, who is said to be a respected figure in Islamic history. I contacted a friend for discussion. In about 15 minutes, I should be able to add leadership material that is unique to Islam. This is also important for me to ensure because I have included Hindu leadership teachings, Asta Brata, in my material. Of course there is no problem, but it would be sweeter if at the event at UIN I also presented the teachings of Islamic leadership with the same level of seriousness.

I was the only speaker at an event at UIN. The most challenging thing was because it was right before breaking the fast (Iftar). I was filled with doubt that the 100 or so participants would not be able to concentrate or choose to rest their intellectual engines. Turns out I was wrong. Their eyes sparkled, their smiles looked fresh and their nodding heads radiated energy.

I really enjoyed the interaction. I did try by best, I believe.

Expert Discussion with Bappenas on Mapping Health Facility Access

The Directorate of Public Health and Nutrition, Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) of the Republic of Indonesia invited me to share my views regarding their new project. They are mapping access to health service facilities between regions, especially in island areas (kepulauan). During the process, they need experts’ views  regarding the results of the mapping.

I was invited to give my views on the matter. The meeting was conducted online through zoom involving different parties. Assisted by Akram, a young alumni of our department, I delivered some notes and points to improve the mapping process. In general, they have done good job in improving access to health facilities using geospatial sciences and technology.

Discussion on the Standard of the Boundary Official Map of Indonesia

A delegate from the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency visited the Department of Geodetic Engineering on 19 March 2024 to discuss the Standard (SNI) of the Boundary Official Map of Indonesia. I was in particular asked to be a discussion partner for the map being discussed is regarding maritime boundaries. The agency is preparing a new map to be published and they want to make sure they are implementing the latest standard.

I gave some insights on maritime boundary issues for the delegate to understand better. I covered, especially, the history and development of the issue and how Indonesia came up with the current map. I also pointed out some potentially problematic segments that might need close attention when producing the new map. We might see a different map compared to the one we had in 2017 (the latest and current version).

The discussion went well and everybody seemed to manage to learn one thing or two.  Such meeting is important to ensure collaboration between Industry/Government and the academic world. We look forward to working together more.

Participating at the Australia-ASEAN Maritime Summit in Melbourne

It was a great privilege for me to be invited to the Australia-ASEAN Maritime Summit. From 4-6 March 2024, the Honourable Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia, hosted leaders from Southeast Asia for the 2024 Special Summit to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations. The Special Summit marked an historic elevation in Australia’s ties with ASEAN, recognised in the Melbourne Declaration – A Partnership for the Future.

a picture with ANCORS alumni participating at the event – ANCORS is my alma mater for PhD

Alongside the Leaders’ engagement, the Special Summit’s success owed much to thematic tracks on Business, Emerging Leaders, Climate and Clean Energy, and Maritime Cooperation. I am happy to be the part of the  the Maritime Cooperation Forum. I was there as an academia, learning about how to foster deeper cooperation between ASEAN and Australia. The Special Summit also helped me build long-lasting connections with scholars from different countries.

The Special Summit program and outcomes not only represented what ASEAN and Australia have jointly achieved over the past fifty years – since Australia became ASEAN’s first Dialogue Partner – but also everything we aim to achieve in the next fifty. For more information, we can visit the Special Summit website at